Girls Volleyball Championships


Following an undefeated season and a whirlwind of a semi-final game against Ramaz High School, the HANC Girls Volleyball team was set to play Yeshivat Frisch on March 5th at Ma’ayanot High School. 

In what can only be described as a nail-biter filled with tension and excitement and every emotion between, the HANC Hurricanes ultimately defeated the Frisch Cougars in Varsity Girls Volleyball to secure the championship trophy. 

HANC provided students with tickets, free of charge, to enter the game and fans gathered together on a chartered bus that left from HANC to Ma’ayanot. The scene was tense: families of Frisch and HANC players filed in and filled the stands to capacity. Faculty members, including Morah Zucker, Rabbi Slomnicki, and Mr. Smus, arrived in full regalia to cheer on the team. The two teams practiced, faces calm but stern, while listening to a bass-heavy playlist. After practicing, the announcer rattled off our starters for the match: Leora Peyser (10th), Talya Rosman (10th), Emma Lieber (11th), Noa Ben-Hamo (11th), Ayelet Leifer (10th), and Eden Rosenstock (10th).

Finally the game began. The climax of HANC’s undefeated season had arrived. It was go time.  Prior to the match, Leora Peyser and Talya Rosman had expressed that they were just grateful to be able to get this far and play in this game. But now? Now it was go time and only winning would suffice. 

In a thrilling first set, the Hurricanes clinched a 21-18 win. The second set was the same, with a 21-12 victory by HANC. 

When the third set started, Hurricanes fans were cautiously optimistic: only one set was standing between the Hurricanes and the Championship trophy. The lead seesawed. Thankfully, despite Frisch building a formidable late lead, HANC was able to come back. With a serve by Eden Rosenstock and a thunderous spike by Emma Lieber, HANC scored their 21st point, and became, to the joy of all in attendance and back home, the MYSHAL champions. 

Cheers erupted. Fans ran onto the court, singing and congratulating friends and family. Coach Danielle Ben-Hamo congratulated the team before distributing their individual trophies and then, of course, the team Championship trophy, which ended a championship drought at the school and gives us all enthusiasm and hope for more in the future.